Winter Mist at Bellever Forest, Dartmoor

Winter Mist at Bellever Forest, Dartmoor

What do you do when you finish work early on a cold January day? Well, those miserable days in the city can turn out to be pretty magical out on the moors. Bellever forest is one of my favourite places on Dartmoor, but I’ve only been there in warm summer weather. In the winter, it’s just as beautiful. The fog was amazing! It enveloped everything and made the landscape feel like a film set. It was magical, eerie and completely otherworldly. Even the Dartmoor ponies came to say hello. It makes me think about how much we miss waiting for the summer sun, when a warm coat and some boots can open up a whole new set of adventures you didn’t even know were there x

Dark pine trees at Bellever Forest, Dartmoor

Eerie pine treeline at Bellever Forest, Dartmoor

Dark pine forest at Bellever Forest, Dartmoor

Misty river and pine trees at Bellever Forest, Dartmoor

Pine forest at Bellever Forest, Dartmoor

Dark, misty pine trees at Bellever Forest, Dartmoor

Dartmoor pony in the mist at Bellever Forest

Witch's Hair Lichen on a misty Dartmoor Day

Witch's Hair Lichen on Dartmoor

Curious Dartmoor Pony near Bellever Forest

Struggling with the OS Map on a misty Dartmoor

Magical woodland paths at Bellever Forest, Dartmoor

Winter woodland at Bellever Forest, Dartmoor

Pine plantation at Bellever Forest, Dartmoor

Wild paths at Bellever Forest, Dartmoor

Stepping stones over the river on Dartmoor

Misty rocky river near Bellever Forest, Dartmoor

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