Ben and I are right in the middle of getting our life sorted for the move back north, before we head off East in September. These photos were taken back at the beginning of the year when we were up to our eyeballs in paint and damp proofing. I didn’t realise what a big job redecorating was! Thankfully that’s all finished now, and we’re currently playing the waiting game as the house sells.
We have such a huge life change approaching, and it’s so exciting. The anticipation to get on that plane is almost unbearabale at times, and it’s all I can do not to wish my life away for the next 4 months. I’m going to be keeping here updated with our stories and adventures, but in the meantime, I’m catching up on photographs I’ve taken over the past 6 months or so. This set are from Leather Tor, a rocky outcrop above Burrator Reservoir on the southern reaches of Dartmoor. Thanks to the overcast day, we had the place to ourselves and spent the afternoon scrambling over the granite rocks, feeling on top of the world.